The sensational world of olfactory wellness
The first step to olfactory wellness is to be aware of its abilities and its potential. The second step is to make the most of it.
With an understanding of how incredibly intricate our olfactory system is, you might already see how it can be utilised in a beneficial way to improve the relationship we have with ourselves, and the world around us.
The air that we breathe is quite literally full of odour molecules and aroma compounds which, most of the time, we process without consciously tuning in. That’s until the smell of something delicious on the stove wafts under our nose and causes us to salivate. Or we catch the scent of something that reminds us of our grandparents. Our brains are clever like that.
Having a healthy sense of smell is an indication of your physical health, cognitive health, and mental health. So what’s the secret to maintaining it? Using it, and making conscious connections. Think about what you’re smelling. Tune in to the fragrances around you. Make a mental note of what you like or don’t like about the smell or the moment. It’s like exercise for your brain.
Taking care of your sense of smell is something you can do for free, and it has an amazing list of health benefits that really can contribute to quality of life.
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