The thoughtful nature of INXHALE extends further than olfactory wellness - it reaches all parts of the brand.
Placing importance on using good quality, durable materials that will have minimal impact on the land, INXHALE partnered with innovative Thai packaging company, APAUL with it’s award winning inhaler, to create the casing for our olfactory formulas.
Made from sustainably sourced bamboo and recycled plastic, the inhalers are designed to be reused.
So, INXHALE is excited to have launched refill packets!
Available in ALERT or CALM, you can revitalise your inhaler by replacing the aromatic, organic cotton, soaked wick inside.
We’re proud to offer our community a cost-effective way to reduce waste and lower their carbon footprint, while enjoying the long-term benefits of using INXHALE olfactory inhalers.